Sunday, December 7, 2008

South Park Dragonball

experiments, variations, discussion

[A1223] May 22, morning. Same place, same conditions, the same participants previous morning. Experiments: boys and girls Master Gardener arranged promiscuously around the room, the sound operation of mobile (first onomatopoeic, in car racing and the like, then experienced in his own quality); same experiment with two directors 'piloting' different sounds in reverse (apparent increase in participation careful) boys and girls divided into groups, each with its own sound (drumming fingers on the chair, drums, tambourines, flutes, cymbals and cimbalini, voices or whistles etc..) exercises 'composition' of sounds in a sound event (eg the 'continuous' drumming of assistance from the other groups, initially on the instructions of a director, then in a free improvisation), variant: the vocal group, headed by a director, intones comes and goes in the ' national anthem (the only tune known by almost everyone), thus contributing to the common improvisation (result excellent - in relation to the degree of selectivity music so far achieved by the participants, interest, enthusiasm, etc. required to continue.). Discussion: "I enjoyed very much" - "It is good because the music we make it from us - (master gardener)" Sounds and noises all make sense when they become part of an organized structure of a discourse " - "Clearly, the political significance of such an experience" - "You can be sensitive to the boy and use him to perceive little difference between the sounds" - "Good for the traditional teaching: learn to pay attention to the sounds and their variations "-" They learn to listen and respect each other, "etc..


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