Sunday, December 7, 2008

Automatic Car Starter

Profession: critical individual, collective discussion

[A1108] It should be noted that the return should however be compared to an experience that matches the composition of a first year student of the normal course of harmony. This is not at all wish to assert a superior technical expertise of participants in the experimental course of composition - a good job of traditional harmony is probably the best guarantee of 'craft'. But it is precisely the job, and usability cultural, social technical ability is not accompanied by historical consciousness and more restricted to a system in the process of rapid liquidation (or marginalization in the 'consumption'), to be subject, in This experimental course itself, critical experience of individual and collective discussion. Somewhat greater ease in dealing with different points of view, the problem of the music you pay with perhaps a greater degree of technical uncertainty, with an initial shift from certainty to doubt the professional sense of those certainties.


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