Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby Syringe For Vaccine

Other ways to start a discourse about the music and

[A1213] We will not repeat here the attention of school authorities the irreplaceable values \u200b\u200bteaching, learning, music information, or rely on the extensive documentation that proves them (and not always necessary to refer only to foreign experience , just that we also question the principals of those schools where music is actually present), but we would rather find other ways to start a speech in schools and on the music. Rai has organized as part of the Radio for schools, a series of transmissions experimental school founded precisely on the trio, music, boys. Protagonists will be boys, and not for obvious acquiescence in a fashion that is difficult to applaud a program for young people without young people as main actors, but because the experimental time can only coincide with the time of search and discovery, and individual collective musical event by those who witness it and produce it. Quite naturally, therefore, the encounter music-school students are available in two orders of experience, complementary and intersecting in various ways, one practical, the other theoretical and speculative. Upon receipt or production of the sound or music-language link is accompanied by recognition and reflection on the data acquired, its location within a context of similar phenomena, its historical background and a possible project to use for expression or communication. So that a dialogue set to music is actually possible within the school, namely, that the analytical methodology, recognized foundation of any serious approach to things, can also usefully be applied within the space defined by these three terms-school music , boys-that you will, with our broadcasts, if not prove, at least ask the question (from the introductory text, published in 'tuning', Eri, Torino, No. 2, January-February 1973).


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