Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crousing Gay In Perth

Peonies roses and tulips

In this blog you will often see pictures of bouquets.

First, because they realize that more often, think about it: graduations, birthdays, colleagues that if they leave, anniversaries, and why not, even as gifts for a dinner invitation!

The bouquet is always something very sweet, delicate and spontaneous , brings fun, good mood just looking at him.

So, as you guessed, it's definitely the part I like most.

Make a bouquet gives me a unique experience, I create it in my hands, flower after flower, out of nowhere, and the result is always surprising, exciting , full of joy for his colors and forms.

And that which is even nicer, is that with each passing day, the shapes and colors change: the flowers until they hatch to open up and show their heart in what seems to be a hug to those who watch , the colors become more and more alive, sometimes changing from green to the color of the flower itself.

; ; In short, it's always a party!

is now a few more little trick to the combination of flowers and colors:

Very often you have a great effect, maintaining the same color, but changing flower, because it gives movement to the different forms , and then because you will have more shades of one color.

The red flowers have no such all the same red. And here create a magical, sinuous shapes and shades ... and on ...

Or sometimes, one is amazed at how two different flowers have exactly the same color, and it remains to contemplate the grace, delicacy and harmony of their corollas. Why

find more pictures of the same bouquet?

Well, after my master in fotorafia, I became somewhat addicted to the different shots that you can have the same individual, each of which transmits and reflects different aspects: the light, profiles, details ...

is, therefore, that each for me is different, and only together can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe emotional impact bouquet, although as varied and diverse, unfortunately never make justice to what is live Wind and how their presence ...


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