Thursday, January 27, 2011

Are You More Fertile After Chemical Pregnancy

In these days of things will have happened: too many, in fact my nervous system begins to show signs of slowing down. I passed the English test and I have officially changed the course: I realized how little it takes to write a completely to its future direction. Sometimes I think from an overwhelming sense of emptiness: every little action, every gesture, every word they lead you to think about what could change if they were minimally different. You are to imagine an infinite parallel lives, how it would develop and if all would be merged at this present (because everyone, deep down, we believe in destiny a little bit) Sliding Doors, in short, what has been said over and over again.

meantime, I listen to In Flames, and tomorrow I go back to Lucca. I missed a bit.

Sell me the infection
It is only for the weak
Do not need for in sympathy
The Misery That is M E.


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