Saturday, January 2, 2010

Definition Of Ecotourism In Sri Lanka

early 2010 ....

I started seeing this 2010 documentary that left me rather thoughtful. In a good way. It was the story of a Frenchman, who has always wanted to pull a cable between the twin towers and do funabolismo above it. Well, put in place a plan that looked like a bank robbery, but fuck's sake, we made it. See a man so to make a similar gesture has made me think. What he did and the nature of my thoughts two things are not quite related, I admit. But it made me think and want they want a nice load 2010. Of those that when you look back, you consider how many has been good that year. I want to put a lot 'more balance in the past. Whatever happens. I want to know one thousand new people, I want to make the halfway point of my 25 years with a beautiful person by my side. I want to cultivate a dream and make it bloom in many colors. I want to say that he spent a controcazzi 2010 with my children one day. I really want. Then we will see the situation work, but I think until 2011 can be a little 'peaceful, at least they ....

First post of 2010. Let's not start again
I am truly blessed to write on the blog ...



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